Car-Chum Website Launched

published on 10 May 2023

The Car-Chum Podcast has a new website: .  Home to all your favourite (and least favourite) Car-Chums episodes, the ‘Library’ let’s you explore the latest shows or relax in with a re-run!  

The big news though, is the news itself.  Launching with the website is Car-Chum’s new news section.  Not so much latest models and re-hashed Press Releases (yawn), but expanded and curated thoughts on topics related to Car-Chum episodes.  (The things we forgot to say or just got plain wrong.) 

All of this might leave you with something to say yourself.  Great!  At the top of the window you’ll always find the button “Send Car-Chum a message”.  All you need is your email address and no further explanation from me as what this button does.  Look forward to hearing from you.

There’s also the latest from Car-Chum’s Twitter feed and links aplenty for further listening and reading. 

More’s planned for the future…give us time.